Hey there!
Uffda! What a week! What a very long week! I'm pooped. And it's only Thursday.
OK, because there have been so many views in the last few hours, I want to make a few things known.
1.) One of my best friends is getting married this weekend and I will be very far away from my computer and therefore unable to post. Never fear, I will have books near! Psht! Like I'd go anywhere without them.
2.) School activities start on Monday. YIKES! SO SOON???? Actually I'm pumped. Year two of being an English teacher is going to rock! I teach the best kids ever! But, I'm just letting you now know that I will probably post less during the school year. I will pop in as often as I can, but I will have a lot more on my plate from September to May.
3.) I'm now available on Bloglovin'! If you look to your left, you will see a widget that encourages you to add me on Bloglovin'. Please do! This is a fantastic app that allows you to bring all of your blogs together into one central hub and will notify you when each of your favorite bloggers posts. It helps us, as bloggers, see what interests our readers the most. I am hoping to use it to find out what genres people go googoo over as they find their way to this little blog.
Now that I've said my bit, I have a few questions for you. What books would you like to see me review? What books are you eagerly awaiting? Who are your favorite authors? Leave your answers as a comment below!
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